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Join us on this epic journey to Nepal in May 2024. Adventure Kora and More than Mortgages have come together with a shared vision.

To find adventurous participants who are willing to join a Nepal trek, to challenge themselves and undertake a physical and mental personal development opportunity while giving back and fostering positive change in Nepalese communities.

In April 2023 Deanna (De) Ezzy, the Director and Founder of More than Mortgages  embarked on what she thought would be a casual trek through the Nepali mountains. Little did she know that this journey would be so much more than just a walk. With every step, with every breath of that crisp mountain air, and under the guidance of Abhi, Managing Director of Adventure Kora , De found herself ascending towards Lake Gokyo. At a breath-taking altitude of 5357m she envisioned a world where individuals were not just trekking for the thrill of it, rather trekking with a purpose – a purpose larger than oneself.

De is now pushing herself with her second challenge in sight, one of the Step Forward, Give Back Nepal treks in May 2024 and wants other like minded Aussies to join her and Abhi, to grow, step out of their comfort zone and dive into something extraordinary while significantly giving back to Nepal.

Through Adventure Kora, Abhi is able to fund his charitable organisation Kora for Change which at the present time,  focuses on small, impactful projects that make a lasting difference in the mountainous regions of Nepal.  Proceeds from the Step Forward, Give Back Trek will go to Kora for Change and their projects.

Check out all the details here: Step Forward, Give Back – Trek for Change in Nepal